Source: index.js

"use strict";
 * A controller for stepwise UI components.
 * @module AlpineSteps

 * Class for stepwise UI controller
 * @property {string[]|Object[]} steps - Step items.
 * @property {string} currentStep - The name of the active step item.
 * @property {boolean} circular - If circular indexing is enabled.
export class StepsController {
   * Create a controller
   * @param {string[]|Object[]} model - Step items.
   * @param {string} model[].name - The name of the step, if an array of Objects.
   * @param {boolean} circular - Allow circular step indexing.
   * @param {string} initialStep - The name of the step to start at.
  constructor(model = [], circular = false, initialStep) {
    this.steps = model;
    this.currentStep = initialStep ? initialStep : model[0].name || model[0];
    this.circular = circular;

   * Get the length of steps.
   * @return {number} The length of the steps array.
  get length() {
    return this.steps.length;

   * Get the 1 based index of active step.
   * @return {number} 1 based index of active step.
  get currentStepIndex() {
    // 1 based
    return this.currentIndex + 1;

   * Get the 0 based index of active step.
   * @return {number} 0 based index of active step.
  get currentIndex() {
    // 0 based
    return this.steps.findIndex((step) => {
      let name = || step;
      return name === this.currentStep;

   * Get the name for the first step item.
   * @return {string} Name of first step item.
  get firstStepName() {
    const firstNode = this.steps[0];

    return || firstNode;

   * Get the active step item.
   * @return {string|Object} The active step item.
  get currentStepNode() {
    return this.steps.find(
      (stepNode) => ( || stepNode) === this.currentStep

   * Validate if step is active by name.
   * @param {string} name - Name of step to check.
   * @returns {boolean} If the step is active.
  isActive(name) {
    return this.currentStep === name;

   * Activate step by name.
   * @param {string} to - Name of step to activate.
   * @returns {boolean} If the step was activated.
  transitionTo(to) {
    const destination = || to;

    if (destination && destination !== this.currentStep) {
      return this.activate(destination);

    return false;

   * Activate the next step.
   * @returns {boolean} If the next step is activated.
  transitionToNext() {
    const to = this.pickNext();

    return this.transitionTo(to);

   * Activate the previous step.
   * @returns {boolean} If the previous step is activated.
  transitionToPrevious() {
    const to = this.pickPrevious();

    return this.transitionTo(to);

   * Set current step by name.
   * @param {string|Object} step
   * @param {string} step[].name - The name of the step, if an Object.
   * @returns {boolean} If step is activated, without error.
  activate(step) {
    const name = || step;
    this.currentStep = name;

    return true;

   * Get the next available step item.
   * Note: If in circular mode, it will always return a step.
   * @returns {boolean|string} The next step if available or false.
  pickNext() {
    const currentNode = this.steps[this.incrementIndex()];

    if (currentNode) {
      return || currentNode;

    return false;

   * Get the previous available step item.
   * Note: If in circular mode, it will always return a step.
   * @returns {boolean|string} The previous step if available or false.
  pickPrevious() {
    const currentNode = this.steps[this.incrementIndex(-1)];

    if (currentNode) {
      return || currentNode;

    return false;

   * Increment the index.
   * Note: If in circular mode, it will always return an in bounds index.
   * @param {number} increment - The value to increment by.
   * @returns {number} The index after increment.
  incrementIndex(increment = 1) {
    let l = this.length;
    let i = this.currentIndex + increment;

    if (this.circular) {
      i = ((i % l) + l) % l;

    return i;

   * Get the 1 based index of the step by name.
   * @param {string} nameQuery - The name of the step to check.
   * @returns {number} The index of the step if available.
  getIndex(nameQuery) {
    return (
      this.steps.findIndex((step) => {
        let name = || step;
        return name === nameQuery;
      }) + 1

   * Required by Alpine for automatic execution.
  init() {}

 * StepsController as a plain js object.
 * @typedef {Object} StepsControllerObject
 * @property {string[]|Object[]} steps - Step items.
 * @property {string} currentStep - The name of the active step item.
 * @property {boolean} circular - If circular indexing is enabled.
 * @property {number} length - The length of the steps items.
 * @property {number} currentStepIndex - 1 based index of active step.
 * @property {number} currentIndex - 0 based index of active step.
 * @property {string} firstStepName - Name of first step item.
 * @property {string|Object} currentStepNode - The active step item.
 * @property {function(string=):boolean} isActive - Validate if step is active by name.
 * @property {function(string=):boolean} transitionTo - Activate step by name.
 * @property {function():boolean} transitionToNext - Activate the next step.
 * @property {function():boolean} transitionToPrevious - Activate the previous step.
 * @property {function(string=):boolean} activate - Set current step by name.
 * @property {function():boolean|string} pickNext - Get the next available step item.
 * @property {function():boolean|string} pickPrevious - Get the previous available step item.
 * @property {function(number=):number} incrementIndex - Increment the index.
 * @property {function(string=):number} getIndex - Get the 1 based index of the step by name.
 * @property {function():void} init - Required by Alpine for automatic execution.
var StepsControllerObject;

 * Callback function for building a steps controller as a plain js object.
 * [Usage Example]{@tutorial basic_usage.html}
 * @function StepsComponent
 * @param {string[]|Object[]} model - Step items.
 * @param {boolean} circular - Allow circular step indexing.
 * @param {string} initialStep - Name of step to start with.
 * @returns {StepsControllerObject} A {@link StepsControllerObject} object
export const StepsComponent = (model = [], circular = false, initialStep) => ({
  steps: model,
  circular: circular,
  currentStep: initialStep ? initialStep : model[0].name || model[0],
  get length() {
    return this.steps.length;
  get currentStepIndex() {
    return this.currentIndex + 1;
  get currentIndex() {
    return this.steps.findIndex((step) => {
      let name = || step;
      return name === this.currentStep;
  get firstStepName() {
    const firstNode = this.steps[0];

    return || firstNode;
  get currentStepNode() {
    return this.steps.find(
      (stepNode) => ( || stepNode) === this.currentStep
  isActive(name) {
    return this.currentStep === name;
  transitionTo(to) {
    const destination = || to;

    if (destination && destination !== this.currentStep) {

    return false;
  transitionToNext() {
    const to = this.pickNext();

    return this.transitionTo(to);
  transitionToPrevious() {
    const to = this.pickPrevious();

    return this.transitionTo(to);
  activate(step) {
    const name = || step;

    if (this.getIndex(name) <= 0) {
      return false;

    this.currentStep = name;

    return true;
  pickNext() {
    const currentNode = this.steps[this.incrementIndex()];

    if (currentNode) {
      return || currentNode;

    return false;
  pickPrevious() {
    const currentNode = this.steps[this.incrementIndex(-1)];

    if (currentNode) {
      return || currentNode;

    return false;
  incrementIndex(increment = 1) {
    let l = this.length;
    let i = this.currentIndex + increment;

    if (this.circular) {
      i = ((i % l) + l) % l;

    return i;
  getIndex(nameQuery) {
    return (
      this.steps.findIndex((step) => {
        let name = || step;
        return name === nameQuery;
      }) + 1
  init() {},